Pamela Skjolsvik

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W is for...


As in the big when. (You know.  When you, yes you, are going to die.) I'd bet a dollar that if you are relatively healthy and under forty you haven't given your own personal "when" much thought.  If you're anything like me, you think your when will happen way off in the future, like at the age of ninety-nine-and-a-half.  We've all seen the t-shirt or the card or the saying...

But really, how many of us actually do that?  I don't know about you, but if it really was my last day, I would  go do something totally kick ass.  So what is preventing me from donning a superhero outfit and fighting crime  for a day or bungee jumping off a really tall bridge?


Yep, fear.  Because what if it really wasn't my last day?  What if I get thrown in the slammer doing something stupid like wearing a superhero costume outside of the Wells Fargo waiting for someone to rob it?  Or for bungee jumping off that really tall bridge and I break my leg and I've got a $5000 deductible on my insurance and no money to pay for the emergency room visit?  Then what?

I'll tell you what.  You'll have fun and you'll have a story to tell.  (Speaking of stories to tell, have you heard of Story Corps? Check it out!) Some of my best experiences have come out of facing a fear.  And if you quiet your mind and think about it for a moment, I know you are afraid of something.  It could be flying, talking to that one person who really makes your heart race or going to the movies alone.  But there's something.  The only way to get over a fear is to go through it.

Okay, okay, maybe your not a total wimp like me.  Maybe you're one of those super brave types who is over forty and has no fear of attending a movie like  Twilight by themselves among mostly squealing teenage girls.  

So, what haven't you done that you're dying to do? 
Jump out of a plane?  Run with the bulls?  Cage dive with sharks?  Eat pastries in Paris?  Audition for American Idol?  Whatever it is, write it down, or better yet go here and do it online.

Or share it here.  I love to see what people are dying to do.
I'll start.  I want to jump on Oprah Winfrey's couch.

Okay, now you go.