Pamela Skjolsvik

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The best laid plans of mice, men and cats...

Dang it's been a long time since I wrote on this blog.  I guess life and the holidays happened and I forgot that I was supposed to be creating this death writer platform thing.  My last post was about this little cat named Violet who needed a home after living in a culvert outside the women's death row facility in Gatesville for over a year.  Well, there she is on the left.  That was her second day at my home.  Yes, ladies and gentleman, I adopted the little booger.  She was skittish and skinny and covered in fleas with an earful of mites.  She liked to hide under my bed and the only time she'd let me pet her is when I was seated on the toilet.  Well, things have changed.  She is now quite the robust little feline. She likes the taste of Iams cat food.  A lot. She gained 2 pounds in a month. She took to the litter box like a champ and she is beyond playful.  She is now a permanent member of the family.  My other cat Judy wasn't too keen on the idea of this little runt invading her space, but the power of the snuggle won out.  Life is a funny thing.