Pamela Skjolsvik

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Book Soundtrack

I've always included music in my writing.  For one, if a song is playing at a fairly signifcant moment, I wll forever associate that song with the event.  I did not choose these songs based on lyrics, but the significance they held to an event or to a person.  Since the book is about death, you'd think I chose "Don't Fear the Reaper" because of the obvious connection to death, but you'd be wrong.  Here's an article about a company doing soundtracks for books.  Hmmmm.
Books with Soundtracks: The Future of Reading?  The Atlantic

Here's my Official Soundtrack to "When November Ends"

"Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor  This song was playing the moment I realized I was going to die.  I was 30 years old and holding my four-day-old child.  I was scared shitless, despite the soothing sounds coming from Taylor's mouth.

"Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult  The minute I got in my rental car in Austin on my way to Huntsville, this song came on the radio.  It was really dark and I couldn't read my map and well, I was totally freaked out.  It was followed by "1999" by Prince, but it didn't have quite the same impact.

"Orinoco Flow" by Enya  Khristian Oliver's favorite song.  When he told me this, I thought it was kind of a weird choice, but what do I know? I've listened to it many times and it really is beautiful.

"Walk On" by U2  Another favorite of Khristian Oliver's.  His penpal and friend Amber told me that this one was one of his favorites as we stood outside the Walls Unit.

"American Eulogy" by Green Day  I always think of Khristian when I hear this song.  Don't know why.  Maybe because it's about a guy name Christian.

"Hey Soul Sister" by Train  When I attended the birth of Marion, this song was part of a playlist that her Dad and Mom made for her.  Whenever I hear this song, I think of that day.