Pamela Skjolsvik

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G is for...


On my B post, I had a contest to see who could figure out the writer I was going to see that night. Sarah Holmes, a fellow A to Z blogger, guessed Anne Lamott and she was correct.  As the winner, she got to pick my "G" topic.  She said "guides."  So, here ya go...

First of all, I feel kind of silly winging the old A to Z without a theme.  I am supposedly the "death writer" and  here I am writing about baseball and books and writing conferences.  Yes, I have a life beyond death, but I doubt anyone is popping in here with the intention of finding out what I ate at the Ranger's game.  But now that I've gone and brought it up, you're probably mildly curious, aren't you?  It was a bacon wrapped hot dog, which may or may not be the official hot dog of Los Angeles.  

There are many guides I could talk about here, but I decided to just wing it and write the death writer's guide to life.

1.  Talk to people you love about death, specifically your death and what your wishes are.  Do you want your cremains made into fireworks?  Now is probably a good time to let people know that.

2.  Be grateful every day for at least one thing.  I guarantee you that even if you think your life is crappy, someone else thinks it's awesome.  (Oh, and if you think your life is crappy, it is.)

3.  Do one thing a day that scares you.  

4.  Hang out with animals.  Even if every person you encounter thinks you're a jerk, the dog at the animal shelter thinks you're a rock star, especially if you take it home, feed it and rub its belly.

5.  If you want to be loved, act loving.

6.  Water.  Lots and lots of water.

7.  Walk outside.

8.  Wear sunscreen.

9.  Laugh, especially at yourself.

10.  Read a book a week.  Discuss that book with someone.

So, what guides you?