Pamela Skjolsvik

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Tuesday Movie: 50/50

I picked this film because... a.) It's a really wonderful movie about one young man dealing with a cancer diagnosis. b.) Cancer is very prevalent. I bet everyone who reads this blog has someone they know who has received a diagnosis of Cancer.  Or maybe they have. Some people get cancer, get treated and go on to live a normal life, while others aren't so lucky. c.) Today my dad is going in for a biopsy as his doctor at the VA suspects Cancer.  He's almost 80, so this news is not quite as tragic as someone diagnosed young.  Knowing my dad, he'll be fine. And if he isn't, we'll do our best to make the remainder of his life as comfortable as possible. So, back to the movie.  Guess what?  SPOILER ALERT... He doesn't die.  At least not in this movie.
So, have you seen it?  What did you think?