Pamela Skjolsvik

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It's Sunday, My I Don't Have to Run Day

Yeah, and it's also a day that I don't normally blog.  But, I got a notification in my email that a fellow blogger said something incredibly nice about my blog and I felt positively joyful about it.   Jericha is all about joy, but lately she is feeling a bit blue.  I told her to wallow in her sadness.  I know I call myself the death writer, but in all honesty, I'm not particularly dark or melancholy, so don't think that's why I told her to wallow in sadness. If there's anything that annoys me, it's when another person tells me to "smile" or tries to cheer me up when I'm in a somber mood.  Sometimes it feels good to feel sad.  Am I right?  Come on, who's with me?
Here's a song that makes me feel kind of sad and to make it even sadder, there's Romeo and Juliet.

Okay, once again folks, I need your help.  After this week, I am out of people to interview for my Monday Mournings posts, as well as my Working with Death Wednesday posts.  So, would you be willing to share an experience of loss to my readers?  In addition to human loss, I want to talk with someone about the loss of a pet.  Know any veterinarians, funeral home workers, crime scene cleaners, etc?  Send them my way.

Thank you and have a joyful week.  Or a sorrowful one, if you choose.