Pamela Skjolsvik

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Tuesday Movie: Dead Man Walking

Since yesterday's post was a mother's experience with her son's execution, I have decided to recommend "Dead Man Walking" for my Tuesday movie.  This movie is based on the book by Sister Helen Prejean.  Ironically, I received an email from Sister Helen this past week. I asked if she would write a blurb for my book.  She responded that she'd like to read some pages and that's what she's doing right now.  Well, I don't know exactly if she's doing that, but I'd like to imagine that she is.  Hey, a woman can dream can't she?

I am on the road this week.  It's been sort of a stressful week.  My dad was on a cruise and he had to be taken to the emergency room due to heart issues.  I had a trip planned to see my mom and attend a cousin's wedding.  My aunt is not doing too well either, so mortality has been on my mind a lot.  If I have any advice to offer it is this...Drink lots of water, laugh a lot, and get your advance directive done.  And don't sweat the small stuff.

Speaking of small stuff, I got another rejection from an agent.  It was a very nice rejection, but it is still rejection.  I think I'm going to self publish "Death Becomes Us."  I'm not getting any younger and either are my parents.  I'd like to put something tangible in their hands and move on to other projects. I know how to market and now all I'll need is a very smart editor to work with.  I'm looking for someone who is both brilliant and cheap.  If you know anyone, please let me know.

So, I won't be posting anything tomorrow.  I'm going to enjoy hanging out with my mom and her sister.  I'm going to watch movies, eat a lot of ice cream and not worry that my jeans are getting a little tighter.  I'm thankful for this body I've been given.  It's strong and for now, it gets me where I need to go.

Thanks to all of you for reading this blog and commenting.  It means the world to me to feel that I'm making just a little bit of difference in people's lives.